Striving for Symmetry & Proper Jaw Development

Striving for Symmetry & Proper Jaw Development

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth..

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth.

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Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD’s) are any habit or condition that interferes with proper development and action of the orofacial muscles. This includes muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks and jaw. Incorrect habits can lead to improper development of the teeth, speech, chewing, swallowing, poor table manners, and poor resting tongue posture.

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Signs & Symptoms

Examples of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders can include one or a combination of the following:

  • Thumb and finger sucking habits
  • A routine habit of resting with the lips apart
  • A forward resting posture of the tongue between or against the teeth
  • Tongue Thrust
  • Other harmful oral habits
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OMD Program

It has been shown that a program for orofacial myology dysfunction can be 80-90% effective in correcting swallowing and rest posture functions. A program can prove to be beneficial to children, teens and adults and corrections are usually maintained years after completing a program.

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OMDs affect people of all ages

OMDs affect people of all ages

Children, teenagers, and adults may suffer from Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders. OMDs may interfere with normal growth and development of the muscles and bones of the face and mouth. OMDs may also interfere with how the muscles of the face and mouth are used for eating, talking, and breathing. People who have an OMD may also have problems with talking, swallowing, and breathing through their nose. Some children push out their tongue when they talk, drink, or eat. This is called tongue thrusting and it is one type of OMD.

Do you suffer from any of these?

People with myofunctional habits can identify many symptoms, but are often unable to tie it all together.
A Myofunctional Therapist will help identify the concerns and educate the patient on why treatment is necessary.
The symptoms, or concerns, of the patient include but are not limited to the following:

  • Mouth Breathing

  • Orthodontic Relapse

  • Chronic Tension

  • Mood Disorders

  • Jaw Pain

  • Toxic Oral Habits

  • Tongue Thrust

  • Snoring

  • Chronic Headaches

  • Grinding

  • Swallowing Difficulty

  • Poor Posture

  • Sleep Apnea

  • Tongue-Tie

  • Speech Problems

  • Digestive Issues

About Virginia Downing OMT

About Virginia Downing OMT

Virginia is a proud member of the following associations

Virginia Downing is a Myofunctional Therapist and Buteyko Breathing coach. She worked in the Dental Hygiene field for over 40 years.

Virginia is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport, Fones School of Dental Hygiene and a student of lifelong learning. Her observations over her 45 year career as a registered dental hygienist of the many myofunctional disorders and their impact on growth and development of the jaw, breathing disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, systemic health and postural issues, led her to train with Joy Moeller of AOMT in the field of orofacial myology, and with Patrick McKeown for Buteyko breathing. She is committed to assisting patients to understand and establish neuromuscular changes at a habitual level, establish normal chewing and swallowing patterns, improve tonicity of the orofacial musculatures and eliminating noxious habits.

Virginia’s work has always been directed by her interest and passion in holistic medicine and prevention.

Contact Virginia